Backup Quiz Round 3

Backup Quiz Round 3

This is the third round for the backup quiz I wrote for a friend. This round was a little unusual in that I had an idea for a round but couldn’t get it to fall together in a way I liked, so instead I wrote a quick last minute round which just went along the…

Backup Quiz Round 2

Backup Quiz Round 2

This is the second round I put together as a backup quiz for a friend of mine. This round is another of the pub quiz staples, Geography. Sooner or later you will get a Geography round and it is bound to get a moan from some people around the room, but personally I enjoy them.…

Backup Quiz Round 1

Backup Quiz Round 1

This is a round I put together as a backup for someone else’s quiz a little while ago, this first round was a sports based round. Normally I don’t do too many sports rounds as I don’t have a huge amount of knowledge in that field, but when I do put a round in I…